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Take action for the Star Act

You may read on news about the need for increased funding for pediatric cancer research, it is true only 4% goes to fund this type of research! it makes no sense. A teen that came to our Evening of Dreams Prom this past May recently passed away from DIPG and it is heartbreaking. Tammi Carr, of the Chad Tough Foundation shared this important information regarding the STAR Act:

"The House has passed the Childhood Cancer STAR Act (HR3381)! It’s time for Senate to act! The STAR act passed the house with large majority, bipartisan support. It is now being considered for a unanimous consent in the senate.

This is the most comprehensive bill ever to be drafted to benefit children with cancer. It will allow for a more comprehensive and focused national strategy on not just how to cure, but also how to care for children with cancer regardless of outcome. It includes approaches to managing data, establishing pediatric priorities for research and standards for psychosocial support, palliative care and survivorship

The Senate has until Friday before they break for the holiday session. The Senate leaders will decide if it gets heard which is why the focus is on them. If you have anyone in your networks with connections in KY (McConnell), NV (Reid), TN (Alexander), WA (Murray), or Utah (Lee) please encourage them To reach out. If the leaders decide to put it to a vote in Senate it will be important for all to vote yea, so we need our Michigan Senators to hear from us too.

This is true impact!!! Please reach out to your senators and ask them for their support for the Star Act. Please Share this with everyone you know!!"

Let’s all #makeadiffernce.



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